Cardinals . I believe that when you see a cardinal it means that a loved one is near. I have lost many loved ones, and I treasure moments when I see a cardinal. These small moments bring a sense of comfort, peace, and encouragement, especially when I am on a run. There have been countless times while running that I have seen a cardinal fly onto a tree branch at the exact time I want to quit. I choose to see these as reminders to keep going, or simply that I’m not alone. Courage . According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, courage is the mental or moral strength to venture , persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. This is my intention for every day while empowering others along the way. I still remember my ninth grade English teacher telling me that I was courageous for deciding to be a Rotary Youth Exchange student. From that day on, I knew I had a special quality and that I needed to share it with others. If you have ever though...
To encourage and empower the overcoming of hard things.